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Metaverse Insights

The Metaverse, Web3, the Spatial Web, … the next generation of the internet has many names. However, it has only one new medium, and that is augmented reality. New mediums are invented as people look for better ways to communicate. Print, photography, radio, TV, the computer and the internet, these where all invented for that one purpose: communication. 

The rise of AR, and the impact it will have, should not be underestimated. The goal of Tropos AR is to inform businesses about the changes it will bring, while offering tools that allow organisations to use augmented reality, without stepping into an ecosystem that confines their creativity and strips them of their data ownership rights.

Tropos AR’s Metaverse Insights was created to guide you through some key Web3.0 components. We have distilled tons of knowledge in just 9 pages that can be absorbed in less than 10 minutes. Admit it, you’ve probably already procrastinated longer, just today. So make up for it, and give it a read 🤓.

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